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December 27, 2023
It's been way too long since the last update. Groundbreaking was delayed a little bit, but lots of dirt has been moved since summer and the fields are shaping up. Four distinct fields can be seen from a mid-December flyover. Unfortunately, the fields won't be ready for the 2024 spring season, but we're almost there....
November 2, 2021
The wait for the WILLIAM A COOKE YOUTH SPORTS COMPLEX is coming to an end. Finally everything has been approved, bonds in place, and we're ready to start!
Groundbreaking will be SPRING 2022!
More details to come....
October 14, 2019
Our apologies for the extended amount of time between updates. We are still awaiting approval from the county on our site plans. We are hoping to get the final approval within the next 30 days - currently just waiting on VDOT comments. After we receive the site plan approval, we can begin moving dirt! Also at that time, we can submit the architectural drawings (for concession stand/maintenance building) to the county for review and permitting. We have many local businesses donating their services and/or materials for this great endeavor, and we are truly very grateful for their continued support. If anyone is interested in helping out or donating to the Cooke Complex, please email
[email protected]
January 1, 2019
We all knew this would be the longest process...but we can finally say that we have the final plans and they have been submitted to the county for review and permitting!!!! Hopefully we will break ground this spring. Let's hope we have a little less rain this year.
June 27, 2018
Long time since posting but the engineer is still working hard on the plans. There have been some slight changes to the preliminary plans after reviews/comments from various agencies, so that meant more mulching, more topography to capture, and a little more waiting as our engineer satisfies these requests. Hopefully we will have the final construction plans in hand soon! Thanks for your patience.
March 14, 2018
Mulching operation was completed in January and the topography was shot by Mr. John Carroll of
Lake Anna Surveys
. The topo map has been forwarded to Shimp Engineering and we are patiently awaiting the set of construction plans for the new facility. Once we receive the plans, then we will need to obtain the proper permits from various authorities. This is the lull phase of the development process, but once we have everything in hand, construction will move quickly.
January 8, 2018
AND WE'RE OFF! This morning, as kids enjoyed yet another snow day, clearing operations began at the new complex. A Caterpillar skidsteer with mulching attachment is currently mowing down the small standing pines on the property. As soon as the land is cleared, the topography will be shot and then grading plans will be produced by the engineer.
Dec 19, 2017
Yes, the Cooke Complex is well underway! In the summer of 2017, the Cooke Foundation donated 26 acres to Louisa Little League for a new baseball and softball complex. Located in Cuckoo near the intersection of Routes 522 and 33, Louisa Little League will now have a central location to call home. There was much talk during the summer as the league underwent the approval process from the County of Louisa. But don't let the recent silence fool you! The league has been hard at work, securing an engineer and finding sponsors to help make this dream a reality. The engineer is currently designing the new complex, and as soon as we have the final set of plans, we will hit the ground running.
We will update this news article frequently to keep everyone in the loop on our progress as we give back to our community and make Louisa Little League the best possible for our youth. If anyone is interested in helping with the construction of the new complex (labor, materials, donations, etc.), please express your interest by email to
[email protected]
Link to Flickr Acct with progress pictures/videos:
Cooke Complex Album
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